Maintaining your Implant, Implant Denture, or All on Four Prosthesis

Patients with one or several single unit dental implants – Your maintenance is just the same – treat the implant and implant crown much like it is a natural tooth. That is what implants were designed for. You should maintain your regular dental hygiene appointments, floss ALL TEETH and the area around the implant, and […]

Concerns for Diabetic Patients Who Need Dentures

dentures in fort worth

Here at Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo, our team always wants to make sure that our patients receive the best care possible. This means crafting the finest custom dentures that function just like natural teeth in the Fort Worth area. Whether removable or supported by dental implants, you can count on us for quality and […]

Emergency Tooth Ache Can’t Wait

toothache fort worth

When seeing 40 patients on a daily basis, as a dentist, I have the opportunity to meet a lot of different folks and see many different dental circumstances. I wanted to post about this recent case so readers can understand the need for concern when you have a toothache. Toothaches are common and usually simple to […]

When Should You Replace Metal Fillings with Composite Ones?

tooth colored fillings

In the past, if you had a cavity, your only option was a metal filling. But patients today have a more attractive option: Tooth-colored composite fillings. And the results are so remarkable that many patients wonder if they should proactively replace all their metal fillings with composites. It’s a choice that patients should make in […]

Understanding Dental Implant Statistics

understanding dental implants

Dental implants have become the preferred way to recreate teeth. The dental implant, a titanium post, is surgically embedded into the jaw and fuses with the bone over 3-6 months depending on the situation. This process is called osseointegration. A dental crown, bridge, or denture is then attached to the implant, providing the restoration with unsurpassed […]

Can I Get Dental Implants if I Have an Autoimmune Disease?

can I get dental implants if I have an autoimmune disease

Those who have missing teeth should consider the long-term risks that tooth loss poses. Missing teeth do far more than compromise the appearance of the smile. They weaken a patient’s bite, interfere with oral functions, and threaten the structure of the surrounding teeth and jawbone. The only way to avoid these complications is to treat […]

Bone Loss with Dentures

dentures dental implants fort worth

I see patients almost every day asking for a reline of their lower denture so that it would fit like it did 10 – 20 years ago. Generally, they need much more than a reline – Dental Implants and an Implant Denture. Yes, a reline may improve the fit for some patients, but there is a point almost […]

Cigarettes’ Damaging Effects on Dentures


Deciding to get dentures means our Fort Worth, TX patients can experience a better quality of life. Improved appearance, increased confidence, and clearer speech are just a few benefits dentures offer to patients who have experienced significant tooth loss. At Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo, we can fabricate your set of custom dentures. However, cigarette use […]

What does oral cancer look like?

what does oral cancer look like

Oral Cancer: what does it look like? The following pictures are most of the cancer cases that I have diagnosed over the past several years. The above photo was in interesting case. This patient presented for a denture consultation to get her teeth removed, I noticed the lesion and requested permission to biopsy during her […]

Dentures and Thrush

Ever heard of stomatitis? How about candidiasis? Stomatitis is a mild inflammation of the oral mucosa, or oral membrane. Candidiasis is a yeast infection, also known as thrush. In patients with this condition, yeast feeds on dead cells on the lining of the oral mucosa. Denture wearers who develop stomatitis have thrush in about 90 […]