Implant Solutions

The Best Dental Implants in Amarillo, TX

Missing your teeth causes pain, discomfort, embarrassment and lowers your quality of life. A complete and confident smile can change all of that. Dr. Damon has completed thousands of implant procedures and will help you get your smile and your life back.

dental implants in fort worth

Dental Implants in Amarillo, TX

At Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo, we offer the highest quality dental implants in Amarillo. When it comes to replacing teeth, dental implants are the gold standard. For more information on dental implants and the procedure involved, keep reading. We will help you to learn if you’re a candidate, why dental implants are the best option, how the procedure works, and more.


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Implant Services

All-On-4 Dental Implants

Dr. Damon has personally completed over 1,000 all-on-4 dental implant cases as of 2020. Let…

Dental Implants for Seniors

If you’re a senior looking for a permanent, natural teeth replacement solution other than dentures,…

Implant-Supported Bridges

Discover the transformative benefits of implant-supported bridges at Texas Implant & Dental Center in Amarillo,…

Single Tooth Implants

Are you missing a single tooth? Do you have congenitally missing teeth? Are you an…

Snap-on Implant Dentures

Snap-on dentures adhere to implants for a stronger bite, more security, and extra stability. They…

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants (FAQ)

Can Missing Teeth Cause Health Problems?

Missing teeth can affect every aspect of your life, from your diet to your appearance and your confidence. While helping you gain that confidence back is a vital component of what we do in implant dentistry, ultimately, your health is the most crucial factor to consider.

If you are wondering, can missing teeth cause health problems? The answer is, unfortunately, yes. Gaps in your smile can place your oral health at risk and even your overall health. Possible issues can arise, such as over-eruption of the teeth, and in more severe cases, the sinus can even collapse in the upper jaw.

Letting missing teeth go for too long increases your chances of oral infection due to the exposed gum tissue. When the gum tissue becomes infected, the infection can spread through the blood to somewhere else in your body. Along with self-esteem and nutrition, this is the most common way we see that missing teeth affects one’s overall health and well-being.

Deciding to invest in dental implants in Amarillo means deciding to invest in your health, and investing in your health means investing in yourself. You deserve to smile again, to eat what you want, to love yourself, and we want to help.


What Are Dental Implants?

Many people confuse dental implants with the white part of the tooth that you chew with. In reality, the implant is actually the part that is placed into the bone.

In order to replace a single tooth, three things are needed: The Implant Crown (the piece that resembles the white part you eat with), the Abutment, and the Implant. More often than not, bone grafting is required at the time of placement. Bone grafting is done to ensure that the bone encases the implant itself so that you have a long-lasting implant. Unfortunately, bone loss is inevitable with any tooth extraction; however, it is a common misconception that patients do not have enough bone for implants.


How Many Parts Do Dental Implants Have? Three.


What Are Dental Implants Made Of?

Dental implants consist of titanium and are irradiated by gamma radiation to be sterile. They are inserted into the jaw bone. A crown or implant denture is placed on top of the implant that is connected by an abutment. Root form dental implants look like a natural tooth regarding size and shape.

At Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo, we use the best implant system on the market – Nobel Biocare. We offer our patients the highest quality of care possible and recommend the highest quality implant system. Here at our true dental center, you will be under the care of some of the highest-rated implant specialists in Texas.


So Why Should You Consider Dental Implants?

You Can Have Your Teeth Back!
Dental Implants Are a Multi-Beneficial Solution Designed to Last a Lifetime.

When placed by one of our implant specialists in Amarillo and given proper patient care, dental implants can last a lifetime. Dr. Clark Damon has performed thousands of implant surgeries during his career and will provide you with the highest quality of care and treatment.

Unrivaled Strength and Stability

Our dental implants are made from biocompatible titanium that fuses with bone tissue for an incomparable level of stability. At Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo, our implants come from Nobel Biocare™, one of the most reputable providers on the market.

A Natural Look and Feel

Take your life back by taking your smile back. Once your implants are in place, one of our implant dentists will attach a stunning, natural-looking restoration that looks and feels just like your natural teeth.

Our Patients are Happier than Ever

Dental Implants are providing our patients with a new way of life. Our patients no longer have to worry about a retainer or flipper to replace a single lost tooth. We can give you that lost tooth back. For those with dentures, you no longer have to worry about a lower denture slipping and creating an embarrassing event.

With implants, an individual who has missing teeth can now practically eat whatever they please. Our patients who have dental implants are confident in their smiles. Dental implants in Amarillo are now more affordable than ever before. We have new modern methods to replace a tooth quicker than ever.

Dental implants were first created in the early 1970s, and there has been a vast amount of research on the topic, with proven, well-documented results. Dental implant technology has soared over the years, and our team has the experience and equipment to support it. Our patients can be confident in their treatment and the outcome. Currently, overall Dental Implant success is 98%!

Dental Implants Are the Future of Dentistry

A revolution has occurred since the mid-1990s – and that is the development and acceptance of dental implants. Now dentists and patients can regain a lost tooth. Dentists are now in “the construction business.”  Dentistry has turned a new page, and as a result, we can rebuild a single tooth or a whole mouth.

Dental implants can be used in multiple circumstances:

  • Replacing a single tooth
  • Implant-supported bridge replacing up to three teeth
  • Two implants in the lower jaw for a removable implant overdenture
  • Four implants in the lower jaw for a removable implant overdenture
  • All on 4, a non-removable screw-retained prosthesis
  • Mini Dental Implants

There are two types of implants: Root form and Mini. A “root-form” tooth implant is the one that is most commonly known, placed, or “used,” has been around for 30 years and has a high success rate of around 95%. A majority of the dental implants done at Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo are of this type.

Mini implants are reserved for some patients who could not get a regular implant because either their bone density has significantly deteriorated or their jawbone is exceedingly thin. Mini implants are reserved for a patient at or near the age of 70 and have some significant drawbacks compared to traditional root form implants.

Dr. Clark Damon will recommend the type of implant, which best suits you. Simply call us to schedule your consultation today.

Dental Implants V.S. A Fixed Bridge And Dentures: Which Should I Consider?

It comes down to the conservation of tooth structure – If you are missing a single tooth, a fixed three-unit “bridge” may be constructed, but it is at the sacrifice of an adjacent tooth structure.

Long term success of implants is much higher than a Fixed Bridge. With dental implants, you can maintain the bone in your jaw; unfortunately, you cannot preserve bone with dentures. This leads to loss of ridge height, need for relines, and ultimately the inability to wear a denture at all due to atrophy. We do see this a lot in our 85-year-old denture wearers. Atrophy of the jaw will happen over time, and it is worse in the lower jaw.

With the all on 4 protocol, we can attach the denture to the implants. This attachment means that you are no longer required to remove the denture from the mouth. Only your dentist can remove it. This protocol also allows for a palateless denture. It is ideal for security, comfort, and freedom.

Have you ever thought about a complete denture being the same as a crutch? With the all on 4 in Amarillo, we can give you new teeth again; we can give you your smile back. We understand that removing a denture every night is inconvenient; this will no longer be an issue for you with the implants. Dentures can also be embarrassing and uncomfortable if they happen to slip. With implants, you will have the feel and look of your natural teeth again, eliminating nearly all the downfalls of dentures.


Surgical Advancements For the All on 4 Protocol

Dental implant surgery is constantly evolving, with literature supporting many of the advancements proposed in the mid-1990s. One of these advancements is extracting all remaining teeth, placing 4-6 implants, and immediately providing a screwed-down temporary prosthesis – the all on 4 protocol.

There have been thousands of all on 4 completed cases throughout the world. In fact, Dr. Damon has personally completed over 1,000 all on four cases as of 2020. Let alone the number of thousands of other single unit implants or “snap-on” dental implants that he has also completed.

In another area of advancements, there is the ability to place growth factors into bone grafting, increasing graft-taking success. Some degree of bone grafting can be required in some cases.

Immediate placement has long been a concept; however, this step in speeding up the replacement process is the concept of immediate provisionalization or immediate load. This means that a temporary crown is placed at the time of surgery so that the patient does not have to wear a flipper or a removable denture. It is important to note that this is not always possible due to the quality of the patients’ jaw bone or infection.


Who Qualifies for Dental Implants?

If you are interested in dental implants, you need a thorough oral examination as well as a review of your dental and medical records. Unfortunately, patients who have received radiation to the jaw area, have uncontrolled diabetes, or are on current chemotherapy will most likely not be candidates for the procedure.


Our Team Can Assess Your Oral Health and Determine Whether Dental Implants Are Right for You: So, What Goes Into Consideration?

Jawbone Density

Implants rely on surrounding tissue for support, so you may not qualify for this procedure if you have insufficient bone in your jaw. However, for most patients, a dental bone graft can restore implant candidacy.

Lifestyle Factors

Smoking interferes with your body’s ability to heal and can increase your risk of implant failure. Other lifestyle factors, such as heavy alcohol use or a poor diet, can also affect the success of your treatment.

Periodontal Disease

Untreated gum disease can also interfere with the health and stability of your dental implants. You will need to undergo treatment for periodontal issues before receiving implants.


Medical Concerns

Health issues such as uncontrolled diabetes can make surgery risky and interfere with the healing process. Make sure to discuss your complete medical history with your dentist during your consultation.


How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

You have likely heard that dental implants cost more than alternatives. Initially, this may be the case, but it is not so apparent in the long run – this is an important factor to consider.


A Larger Initial Investment Can Provide Longer-Lasting Results

Dental implants do require a larger investment during the initial treatment; however, implants are built to last for long and can support your restorations for a lifetime.

Another huge factor to consider is that dental implants are the one and only restorative treatment that can stop bone atrophy (shrinkage) following tooth loss. For denture wearers, this means you may only need a few, if any, adjustments. You may also never need a bone graft to replace recessed tissue. Both of these benefits can save you thousands of dollars over time.

The cost of dental implants varies greatly depending on each patient’s unique treatment plan, so you will need to contact us for a consultation to receive a quote.

To learn more about the cost of dental implants, click here!


How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?

A Typical Dental Implant Treatment Takes Several Months to Complete In Full.



What Will My Smile Look Like With Dental Implants?

Dental Implants Are a Conservative and Natural-Looking Solution

Our dental implants in Amarillo offer the most natural feeling and looking solution there is when it comes to tooth restoration. You will be able to resume all of life’s activities, like eating and drinking, as you did before tooth loss. You will gain back your confidence, and the quality of your life will increase greatly.

A single missing tooth calls for either an implant-supported crown or a traditional bridge, which relies on adjacent teeth for support.

An implant-supported crown restores function and aesthetics while avoiding the need to remove significant amounts of tissue from adjacent teeth.
See More Implant Results.


How Do I Care For Dental Implants?

Implants are like natural teeth in that you will need to keep them clean daily (brushing and flossing) and need regular dental visits and professional cleanings. These things are very important for longevity.


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

With the appropriate care, dental implants can last for a lifetime. If you have an implant denture, you will need to have the denture remade every five to seven years, along with simple maintenance every six to nine months.


Start Your Journey With Dental Implants in Amarillo

Dr. Damon and Dr. Mohr are some of the top dental implant specialists in Amarillo. Our team is dedicated to innovative, comfortable, and specialized care for our patients. For more information on dental implants, call our dental implant office in Amarillo today. We are so excited to start this smile journey with you.

elderly patient of a dentistry in Amarillo smiling after dental treatment

Get a healthy smile today!

Contact us & plan your visit

Dr. Damon’s vast experience in specialized dentistry & his impressionable chairside manner has given him an excellent reputation, and he is trusted by many in the Amarillo area.

As a specialized implant center, our experts can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. However, we offer a wide variety of dental services to cater to you and your family’s every dental need. In addition, our unique approach to patient care has allowed us to form lasting relationships for years to come. Call us today to schedule.

How to Get Here

Texas Implant & Dental Center of Amarillo is located at

1900 S Coulter St, Ste E, Amarillo, TX 79106