Dental Implants for Dentures in Amarillo
Have you been told or want your remaining teeth removed and are considering Immediate Dentures? You need to consider your options when it comes to dental implants for dentures.
Do you have a old lower denture that is loose or do you have difficulty wearing your dentures?
Who should consider dental implants
- wearing dentures at an age less then 50
- had dentures for 20+ years and have no remaining lower ridge
- severe gag reflex and cant wear upper
- desire for a natural replacement prosthesis with same function as real teeth
- desire for a palate less upper denture
- desire for more secure lower denture
- Considering immediate dentures
Why Dental Implants for Dentures?
For patients with a denture, dental implants serve as anchors in the bone on which we secure your oral prosthesis (denture / fixed bridge). Dental Implant Dentures come in two forms: Snap-On or Fixed, more on this down the page. It is important for your consideration to consider the benefits of dental implants prior to any extractions if you are considering an Immediate Denture. – For all patients about to have their lower teeth removed due to decay or periodontal disease we offer dental implants to be placed the same day as their teeth are extracted. – This offers 1 procedure in 1 day, why you are sedated, numb, and in the office, we can easily place 2 or 4 implants in the same day. This saves you time and money not having to pay for another sedation or time off work. We make it easy combining these procedures and you only have to heal once!
Snap on Implant Dentures
In our office, “snap-on implant dentures” or “removable implant-supported dentures” as they can be known work well for the lower arch. We do not recommend placing them in the upper arch due to rocking that develops, cost, and the bulk of the prosthesis. For the upper, we recommend Permanent – Screwed in Style. Here are the benefits of snap-on dentures:
- Benefits of Snap on Implant Dentures:
- more economical then permanent style
- best “bang for your buck”
- secure and stable lower denture
- increased bite force
- ability to convert to permanent
- Disadvantages of Snap on Style Implant Dentures
- while implants are placed the day of extractions, you must have them buried beneath the gums for 3-4 months for “osseointegration”
- snaps wear out every 6-9 months, cost 75.00 per snap
- do not work well on upper arch
- still supported by gums, so seeds or food that gets beneath can still cause pain
- need removing at night like typical dentures.
All on Four- Permanent Implant Dentures

The All on Four is a protocol developed in 1993 to allow for immediate implant placement with extractions, no bone grafting or sinus lifting needed, and probable (95%) conversion to a fixed permanent temporary prosthesis with 1 procedure in one day. This is revolutionary and the most predictable method for tooth replacement for those who do not want to wear dentures but need teeth replacement. If you need to replace teeth and want all of the functions you had then the All on Four is the method for you.
In our practice, this is Dr. Damon’s’ favorite procedure to do. “With the All on Four, we are able to not only give our patients a great smile like we can with dentures, but we are able to give them the same function they had with teeth”.
- Benefits of All On Four Dental Implants
- one procedure in one day
- 95% of the time you can have secure, permanent temporaries in place when you wake up
- all inclusive pricing with IV Sedation
- completely palate less
- screwed in
- supported by the implants – no tissue support so if you get a seed underneath it does not hurt!
- ability to eat anything! steak, sandwiches, and apples!
- ease in cleaning
- Disadvantages of the All on Four
- There are few as this is the best option with least amount of downside
- more costly
- Procedure is longer, but you are sedated
Dr. Damon and his staff have been performing the All on Four for over 2 years. This protocol has resulted in a higher level of care we provide and we are able to offer more options for patients when dealing with tooth removal. We have performed many all on four procedures with excellent success and results. Feel confident in the team at the Texas Denture Clinic and Implant center to provide you excellent quality dental implant care and RESULTS!