Secure, Palate-less, Strong, and non-Removable Tooth replacement solutionAll on Four Upper illustration of permanent denture

Patients are demanding Permanent tooth replacement solutions more and more! With new technology and advances in dental implant surgery techniques, we are able to offer Teeth in a Day. We are performing these surgeries more and more as many patients are unhappy with living with dentures. Patients are seeing their friends, family, and relatives live happy lives with permanent full mouth dental implants with the All on Four Protocol. Our office exclusively uses Nobel Biocare Implants and Prosthetic components.

Benefits of All on Four

Actual Patient

Before patient photo prior to All on Four Surgery
After photo of patient who had All on Four done

First Step – Consultation

We must first begin by meeting you, discussing your unique situation, your treatment desires, and goals, as well as evaluate your medical history. We will also take a 3-D CT Scan in our office. This gives us a complete three-dimensional evaluation of your face and jaws. We will also plan your All on Four Procedure right in front of you! You will see how the implants are put in, and the uniqueness of each patient.3-D CBCT Scan

After your consultation, we will go over all of the treatment fees. – We care about our patients and are completely upfront with pricing for your complete procedure from Start to Finish. We offer third-party financing through Care Credit and Lending Club. You can apply in our office while you are at the consultation. Once you are ready to begin, we will need to take impressions- molds of your existing teeth or jaw if an existing denture patient. We will then bring you back for a second appointment to see the teeth before – Called a Viewing. This is important as Dr. Damon involves all of his patients in the process of choosing and commenting on their teeth before we schedule your surgery appointment.

All on Four works for patients with natural teeth or with dentures

The main advantage of the All on Four is the ability for immediate dental implant placement with extractions and immediate placement of the temporary, but YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE DENTURES FIRST!!!! NOR IS THIS A PROCEDURE ONLY FOR DENTURE PATIENTS.

Advanced All on Four Treatment

If you are currently wearing dentures, it is possible that we may be able to perform the All on Four procedure without a single incision! We can utilize our 3-D CT Scan and Nobel Clinician software to create a surgical guide that can be placed on the jaws resulting in a faster surgery with less post-op discomfort. Not all patients are candidates for the use of the surgical guide so we can discuss.

All on four surgical guide illustration
Surgical guide planning on computer

Click here to check out our photo gallery of a few of our All on Four Cases.

Click here to learn more about the All on Four

If you are interested in the All on Four, contact us today to get started! 806 803 9219.